Tuesday 26 March 2013


sebagai org Islam, kita disaran utk menderma sekiranya mampu, atau bahasa arab nya disebut 'sadaqah'. sadaqah ini boleh diberi dlm pelbagai bentuk, sama ada kewangan, harta benda dsb...
last wednesday aku mendapat perkabaran yg our maklong (mak's eldest sister) dah admitted dlm ICU. it may be a surprise news for some people since that our maklong selalunya ceria & bersemangat je. but for me, somehow i already expected this sbb maklong had ITP - Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
what is ITP? (more on ITP is here
ITP is a characteristic rash associated with an abnormally low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) of unknown cause (idiopathic).[1] Most cases appear related to the production of antibodies against platelets, and so the termsimmune thrombocytopenic purpura or immune thrombocytopenia are also used. It is frequently asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. However, a very low platelet count carries an an increased risk of bleeding and purpura.
ITP is diagnosed by a low platelet count in a complete blood count (a common blood test). However, since the diagnosis depends on the exclusion of other causes of a low platelet count, additional investigations (such as a bone marrow biopsy) may be necessary in some cases.
In mild cases, only careful observation may be required but very low counts or significant bleeding may prompt treatment with corticosteroidsintravenous immunoglobulinanti-D immunoglobulin, or immunosuppressive drugs. Refractory ITP (not responsive to conventional treatment) may require splenectomy, the surgical removal of the spleen.Platelet transfusions may be used in severe bleeding together with a very low count. Sometimes the body may compensate by making abnormally large platelets.
dan bila maklong diserang denggi, status maklong became worst... masa aku sampai ari jumaat pagi, hanya jantung sahaja yg berfungsi, organ2 lain semuanya telah rosak & bergantung kpd mesin sahaja.
as the platelet & plasma getting very low, the doctor asked for donors... here comes alhamdulillah my beloved brother pendi... coincidentally,  pendi was maklong & arwah paklong's favorite nephew... pendi's platelet was excellent as one bag of his platelet equally to 12 adults. - of cos because he's still young (24 yrs old) but aku percaya sbb dia ni rajin bersukan & TIDAK MEROKOK (alhamdulillah adik2 lelaki aku semua tak merokok).
Apheresis for mak long. Bismillah.
dia perlu menjalani ujian for abt 2 hrs. then dia diletakkan dlm senarai standby sbb plasma transfusion hendaklah dlm keadaan fresh (masa test condition maklong blom mengizinkan utk buat). jumaat pagi baru buat lps dpt call dr hospital. ambil masa 2 jam juga utk asingkan darah & platelet. this procedure is called Apheresislps keluarkan trus mskn dlm badan maklong. 
Soon it will circulate my blood outside of my body and separate my platlet
My blood. My plasma. My platelet. Separated. Bismillah.
tapi, manusia cuma berusaha, hanya Allah yg Maha Mengetahui. maklong telah selamat menemui Penciptanya pada jam 5.20 am, 25 Mac 2013 di hadapan keempat2 anaknya. maklong meninggal secara natural tanpa dicabut alat sokongan & oksigen. alhamdulillah, maklong meninggal dgn tenang...
so, kpd yg berpeluang, bersedaqah lah walau dgn sebaris doa'. mudah2an sadaqah ikhlas kita menjadi saham di akhirat kelak, amiiinnnn.
satu lagi, kalau rasa ada kemampuan, buatlah ujian darah, esp kalau kita rasa kita ni kurang normal dr org lain - darah lambat berhenti kalau luka/ senang lebam2 etc - sbb selalunya simtom mcm ni berkaitan dgn darah & lambat dikesan.
alFatihah kpd maklong saya, Hajjah Hamidah binti Haji Hairan (1951-2013)...

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