Friday 21 September 2012

Beautiful Boy...

i watched this movie last nite... bleh review kat sini: it's abt a boy who shot his college mates and later kill himself...

when i watched this movie, i really could feel the mother's feelings.. kesedihan bila kehilangan seorang anak, yg tak diketahui punca & sebab... keep on asking & asking urself... towards some extend sometimes u will blame urself also... because we are the mother, the one who supposed to protect ur child....

but this entry is not abt the mother. i'm more interested to talk abt the father... this couple dah towards their separation when this scene happen. aku teringat kata2 ayahnya (lebih kurang la): i really wan't to get out of this (the marriage) but i got stuck because of him! (the son)....

believe me, walaupun org slalu kata, lelaki mesti nak anak, sbb tu kalau takde dia nak cari laen, tapi sebenarnya sudah ramai lelaki yg tidak mahu terikat dgn anak, esp this generation, including mine...

having a child is the greatest responsibility on earth. u have to sacrifice everything, ur time, space, attention, love, etc... etc... it's lucky if u have a good 'sparing partner', but if u not, u have to bare with it for the rest of ur life. as a muslim, the way to comfort ur heart is just, semoga hidup ini diredhai & mendapat ganjaran yg setimpal di akhirat...

for a mother, having a child is a bless, sbb ramai lagi yg tak mampu utk merasai nikmat itu... semoga Allah tabahkan hati ibu ini, amiinnn....


  1. have you watched "rabbit hole" starring nicole kidman and aaron eckhart?
    awesome film. should watch it. it is about a couple coping up with the loss of their only child.

    1. best eh? rasa mcm dah tgk, tp mcm tak ingat plak...
      but again, it's different if u have a supportive partner... :)

  2. betul la ila. sebenarnya besar tanggungjawab nak jadi parents ni. penat tu takyah cakap la kan. kadang2 time untuk diri sendiri takde and rasa nak mengamuk je sebab penat sangat. memang bila ada partner yang sama-sama bertanggungjawab, terasa ringan sikit la tanggungjawab tu. kadang2 tgk yang baru2 kawen sibuk nak baby cepat, aku advice jugak, take it easy, get to know your husband/wife first, biar roots kuat, then get pregnant. jangan kawen sbb nak anak je, and tgk laki tak ready or tak nak lagi.

    1. mmg btol ara... keinginan utk mepunyai anak tak sama dgn tanggungjawab utk memiliki anak... aku pon slalu nasihat yg sama kpd kawan2 yg blom ade anak... maybe ade di satu sudut kecil hati berkata tidak bersedia, maka Allah pon melewatkan utk kebaikan kedua ibu bapa & anak...
