Thursday, 21 June 2012

Keeping secrets...

i listened to redfm this morning... the topic: who is the best secret keeper - man or woman...

hehehe, for me there's nothing to do with gender when it comes to this matter. for me, keeping secret is a skill that should be taught & learned... sometimes people don't tend to tell, but because the other people know to 'korek2' the secret(s), the secret is not a secret anymore... "jgn cakap org tau, rahsia ni, aku cakap kat ko je..." hihihihi...

i think i'm kind a good secret keeper (perasan, hahahaha)... thanks to my job for training be to be like one, hahahahaha....

zila: rahsia..... ngeeee~


  1. kejela jadi sepai. aktiviti penyuluhan. heheheheee~

  2. tak larat dah nak menyuluh dik ooiii... tak nampak2 jugak... gelap beno agaknye, hehehe...
