nope, i'm not trying to promote this movie dear, just want to share what i watched during today's lunch - to resting my head frm loads of works, hehehehe... but, at the end, hmmmm, i cried...
the story was abt 5 ladies with their hubs/partner/boyfriend...
couple 1: can't conceive, already spend their savings for IVF but still didn't work, lost a job, planning for adoption but hubby just scared being parents, and finally adopted & got offered for a better job.
couple 2: high school crushed, accidentally become a business rival, had a one night stay, got preggy but miscarriage, unsure abt the next step, the girl called it off, but at the end noticed that they both really love each other and give themselves a second chance.
couple 3: a health trainer, having a very healthy lifestyle, so independent, the man was also an entertainer, but having a child is not a one man show, it needs both to handle it, therefore the couple started to give & take.
couple 4: self entrepreneur, selling children's needs, well organized, always expected that pregnancy & birth should be easy & nice, but in between found out that 'pregnancy sucks', hahahaha... even she planned to have a vaginal birth, it end up having the c-sects. that is where God knows better...
couple 5: step mother in-law to lady no. 4, got pregnant at the same time, but with twins, and enjoying pregnancy nicely with the perfect health & body, but life only changed after the births, heheheh...
for me, citer ni bagus. it looked on both sides, the father & the mother. how actually men adopt with the situation. we tend to assume that everything is ok but for men, banyaaaakkk perkara yg dorg takutkan while having a child. and apa yg sebenarnya dorg fikirkan/ buat kalau dorg kena jaga anak, hahahaha...
as for ladies, ada yg bleh conceive, ada yg xleh for any resons, ada yg xde alahan, ada yg teruk, ada yg beranak senang, ada yg susah, depends, semuanya rezeki...
what makes me cry? the scene inside the OT room... really, it reminds me of having my girls, especially hana because it was only last year. rasanya baru je smlm lahirkan dia, and suddenly she already gone... how time flies...
aku rasanya all mothers yg tgk citer ni pon akan nangis kot, for different reason maybe, but one for sure sbb kita akan teringat that magical moments... childbirth...
alhamdulillah, terima kasih Allah kerana memberi peluang kpd kami utk menjadi seorang ibu, bantulah kami utk mendidik anak2 ini agar menjadi insan yg soleh & menjadi khalifah yg terbaik disisi mu, amiinnn...